
Due to Covid-19, we are trying to reduce the footfall in the clinic in order to keep everybody safe. Consequently we have developed our website in order to make it easier for you to order repeat prescriptions without having to physically present at the clinic.

If you have a hospital script then it will need to be handed in at reception. Also note that if you are requesting something you have not previously had on prescription or something that is not due yet then you will need to see the GP.

Female Contraceptive Prescriptions

Due to the nature of female contraceptives, it is very important that patients contact the clinic to book an appointment with one of our GP’s to discuss any effects of this medication.

Do not continue to request prescriptions for female contraceptives after a period of 6 months without consulting with one of our doctors.

Blood Pressure Medication

It is very important that patients requesting prescriptions for blood pressure medication seek consultation with one of our doctors to monitor your current status and discuss any effects of this medication.

Do not continue to request prescriptions for blood pressure medication if you have not had a consultation one of our doctors for over 6 months.

Prescriptions - Greenlea Clinic, Dublin

Please note that from 1st of February 2020 any private prescriptions that involve over one month's supply costs €20 and a prescription for one month costs €10.

Allow 48 hours for checking and preparation of prescription (excluding weekends). Please be aware that repeat prescriptions will not be done on evenings or weekends and that you will need to see GP in the case of requiring ‘Antibiotics’.

Filling out the 1. PRESCRIPTION FORM below is the quickest way to get your prescription and if you are not a medical card holder then you need to fill out the 2. PRESCRIPTION PAYMENT section below to make the necessary payment.

Then we will send your prescription directly to the pharmacy of your choice that you stated on the prescription form which will save you queuing up at our clinic.

***Please note if you are requesting medication that you have not previously had on prescription or medication that is not due you will need to visit your GP.***


Please tell us the service that you require.

Please type the name and address of the pharmacy to collect your prescription.

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If you are not a medical card holder then there is a €10 charge for a month’s supply and €20 for anything over one month. PLEASE EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BEFORE YOU MAKE A PAYMENT.

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