Men's Health & Screening
Health Screening is a pro-active way to prevent illness and we provide a selection of detailed health screening options including;
- Mini Medical Screening.
- Full Medical Screening.
- Hypertension – 24 hour blood pressure monitoring.
- Blood tests for raised cholesterol.
- ECG – An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test which measures the electrical activity of your heart to show whether or not it is working normally.
At Greenlea Clinic, we provide a range of solutions to sports injuries, back pain problems, joint and muscle pains arising from regular exercise and sporting activities. We have vast experience assessing, treating and rehabilitating sports and exercise injuries including;
- Back pains and stiffness.
- Sciatica pains from a prolapsed a disc.
- Swollen or painful joints or tendons which can affect knees, ankles, shoulders or wrists.
We have invested in a Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) which is considered the gold standard investigation in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Our DEXA scanning centre is located at our Greenlea Clinic in Terenure and click here for more information.
At the Greenlea Clinic, we provide a range of dermatology services that helps you manage common skin problems including;
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Skin Infections
- Sun Damage
- Acne
Sexually Transmitted Infections are caused by specific bacteria and viruses. There are many different STIs’ with some are more common than others. Most STIs' can be cured with specific medication. However some of them can only be treated to reduce symptoms but will stay in your system once you have been infected.
Here at the Greenlea Clinic, we offer you a screening service which would include swabs and blood tests to screen for an array of sexually transmitted infections. STIs' are passed on during sexual contact with somebody who already has an STI.
If you're worried that you might have an STI or even at risk after unsafe sex, the first thing to do is to get yourself screened. This screening test can be carried out by either your Nurse or Doctor. It is best to attend in the clinic in the morning time as the sample can be sent to the lab swiftly and your nurse or doctor can provide you with written information and answer any questions you may have regarding STIs'.
You can book your appointments by phone at 01 490 8979, by email at, in person at reception or by simply filling out the contact form below.